Yamaha MG 16/4 mixer distorts with gain knob at zero. no headroom at all.

Do you have a digital camera? If so take a few pictures, close ups of the board, and other connection points, maybe someone can spot something from that...
visa said:
kick drum > d112 > XLR cable > MG 16/4 mixer > TS patch cable (instert)> Hercules Firewire interface
snare drum > sm57 >XLR cable > MG 16/4 mixer > TS patch cable (instert)> Hercules Firewire interface

the signal clips in Adobe Audition. But i can't lower the gain on the MG. it's already fully turned down. that's the whole reason i created this thread.

see if this helps any. connect the mg inserts to the hercules 1/4" LINE inputs on the back of the unit. in the software control panel for the hercules, set the levels for the line inputs to -10. adjust all the sends/returns on the mg to 0.
mrT said:
so you get sound when your gain is turned the whole way down? maybe something like THIS would help.


Yeah dood. The preamps on many low end mixers like that do not have a very big gain range, thus, they are "hot" preamps. On somewhat "better" mixers, you are given a PAD built in to make up for this, but on something as cheap as a Phonic, you don't. You just need a PAD on the mic lines and you are good to go. Ignore all this other crap you are getting here. You just need a PAD is all.
TravisinFlorida said:
see if this helps any. connect the mg inserts to the hercules 1/4" LINE inputs on the back of the unit. in the software control panel for the hercules, set the levels for the line inputs to -10. adjust all the sends/returns on the mg to 0.

i already tried that. it increaces the level of the hercules input by 10db which makes it even worse.

actually i'm pretty certain that the unit is faulty. i tried literally everything.

i studied the MG 16/4 manual today...nothing.

i'll take pictures of the whole thing tomorrow. although i'm sure that by now i have a pretty good overview of the board. actually i'm pretty familiar with it by now...i use alot of advanced routing options and stuff like that. plus, i have quite some experience with other similar units.

has anyone here ever removed the bottom plate of the MG? is there some sort of trim screw that deals with the pres and lets you adjust them?
visa said:
has anyone here ever removed the bottom plate of the MG? is there some sort of trim screw that deals with the pres and lets you adjust them?
I would just bring it back if possible before trying that beacuse they may not take it back if the unit has been taken apart.
sounds to me liek its faulty.
if you remove the bottom, wont that void the warranty?
just take it back and get a new one:)