Yamaha MD8 vs. Tascam 788


New member
I'm planning on buying a new digital studio, but I need to buy something under like 900 dollars. The two best deals I have found so far are the Yamaha MD8 and the Tascam 788. I'd be mostly recording funk, rock, and jazz. I like how the Yamaha can record 8 tracks at the same time and uses MD, but I also like the 788's array of effects and it's reputation. Which one is better? Can someone help me out???

P.S. I have heard that the Akai dps12 is great but I can't find it for sale anywhere...also, I need the ability to record at least 6 tracks simultaneously.
I've had two years of trouble free operation (close to 1000 hours) with the 788, and their forum is hard to beat, something to think about as you go through the learning curve.
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ABBOTT:]

The MD8 is a nice box but it's sound reproduction is "limited." It was and is popular because it's easy to learn to use; even the manual is fairly succint in spots and that's a miracle for Yamaha writers of manuals.

And, the MD8 will not give you digital quality @ 16 bit or 24 bit.

I still have mine hooked up in the studio but since I got the Yam2816, that is the box I use.

Yamaha just came out with another clone of the 2816/4416 and it runs right around your budget. You might want to give it a look.

As for the Akai, I know nothing about its quality. But, I read good reports.

You should look hard and probably stay away from the MD8 as it is in its fading moments.

Green Hornet

:D :D :p :p :p
ok...the only akai recorder listed on marsmusic.com is the 24 track model for like $4000.00, so...
Forget the MD8, but I've read some things that are off putting about the 788 -- I've heard the onboard reverb blows chunks and I was planning on using that a lot. Second, there aren't any XLR inuputs. That's a lot of impedance adapters. Anyways, please, I'm still in need of some advice...
Yo AbbaDabbaDabba-Doo:]

Well, man, you might as well look at the Yams 4416 [if you want 16 faders] or the 2816 which only has 8 faders but 16 tracks.

I seldom need more than seven or eight tracks; however, you might need more and 16 is a nice number.

The Yam will give you 16/24 bit stuff; but, of course, it will only burn a CD in the 16 bit mode; however, I've run 24 bit stuff out the back of my unit into tape and the results are very good. [regular cassette tape, not DAT.] I imagine DAT would even be cooler.

I'm just going to say this off the top of my meter: a 900 dollar unit gives you 900 dollars worth of sound/stuff; a 2k unit will give you better stuff, especially the AD/DA converters.

So, brutha, I'd say you might want to listen to some units and decide with your own ears what works for you.

If you buy the Yam unit, you will also need to buy a UPS power unit to protect your gear from damage in case of a power outage while you're working with the unit. Not expensive but a good safety factor.

Happy Shopping and enjoy summer.

Green Hornet

:cool: :cool: :cool: :cool: :p :p :p

That's all. I just know that I am very happy with my DPS12i.
If I could afford the Dps16 right now I would sell my legs. I am a believer in the AKAI and it's friendly use and love. But I also have very little experience recording so take this for what it's worth.
