Yamaha m1516a Mixer


New member
Someone is selling this for $2,000... It's in great condition and has been cleaned...
Is that a crazy price or no? Any input would be great, thanks....

*edit: I have looked everywhere for a price or previously sold units and I can't find any information other than some people hitting the jackpot and getting it free or for like $50 bucks......
I'm still waiting for someone to call me a moron!
I'm pretty much looking for a good analog board where I can use the onboard pre's if necessary.
Most of the time I'll be using outboard gear but I need something that I can mix with before it hits the tape...
Apparently this thing has decent pre's...??
Is the seller Teletech in Markham?


They've got one listed for $2500 and their prices are usually totally out to lunch on the high side.

For a decent quality used 16x4 board, I don't think you'd need to pay more then 4 or 5 hundred for one in good condition.

Keep shopping!

Cheers! :)
You could buy a better mixer new for less money.

Add in the fact that the M1516A was aimed at the live sound market, not studio work (differences are subtle but come back to haunt you) and I wouldn't touch it.

As an example, the A&H Zed428 has 24 direct outs on channels plus all the sub groups and auxes for $1799 at Sweetwater. Both the channel EQ and the pre amps are streets ahead of the old Yamaha.

...and it comes with a warranty--I'm sure you can do better than Sweetwater prices but they're the first I found.
Yeah ghost - that's the one.. I figured as much, I'm just such a sucker sometimes. It looks like fun and I bet it doesn't sound that bad either but it's a fair chunk of change.

Thanks Bobbsy, I'll take a look at an allen and heath, I used the mix wizard for a wedding band I used to work with and although I wasn't overly impressed I never had an issue with it. I just like old boards with character...

Thanks guys
Well, it doesn't sound all that good either. Yamaha pre amps from that era were kind of "brittle" sounding and the EQ was not much use either.

If you want good sound, A&H is the best you'll get until you're spending Midas or Neve levels of money, with Soundcraft (except for the cheapies) being a close second. Or from the second hand market, watch for a used Amek maybe. Or, as you're in Toronto, if you see an ancient Ward Beck in good working order, snap it up.

Yamaha? Nope.