Yamaha HS80m Minitors First Impressions


New member
I've been looking at these things for months. I finally purchased a pair. I was using the TAPCO S-5's before. The Tapcos sounded great, but they did not allow my mixes to translate well on the low end. Let me say this first: My mixing room is untreated and I will not be able to treat it until I move. I felt that I could not heat adequate bass when mixing. The mixes sounded too bassy on other systems. I did not want a sub at this time...I'm a big fan of 2 channel stereo.

These monitors are outstanding! I took a couple of days to get familiar with the monitors and played many tracks. I finished a mix that I had burned over 30 cd's going back and forth between systems. I dialed it in on the Yamahas and the mix sounded gret on all the systems. I even went back to an older track and remixed from scratch. The bass (low end) translated great.

I did have to set the mid eq setting on back of monitors to -2. At the flat setting, it was a bit bright on the mids. So far, I can't say enough about these things. I hear things on older mixes that I could not hear before. The Tapcos actually sound better when playing back CDs. They seem to be hyped a bit. Thats the difference between monitors and speakers (I guess). I will write in future about my onging experience with the Yamahas.
I'm really used to the monitors now. I mixed Sunday for extended periods with little fatique. Now that I'm use to them, I'm now thinking that the Yamahas even sound better than the Tapcos on CD's.
Tapcos is one of the worst selling at a funny price with it's hard sounding image but because it's under makeies
oh well, last generation m-audio was just as bad with their harsh hi ends but still sells~