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I'm looking for a new keyboard that samples that isn't a Triton(everybody has either this or the trinity in hip hop). I've been doing research and the Yamaha keeps popping up. I've heard some good(the sounds) and bad(about almost everything else), but these reviews came mostly from live musicians. What other options do I have for a sampling keyboard that has good sounds. What about the Alesis ASR-10? Any other options? Thanx for any input.
I use the Yamaha EX5R (rack mount version of EX5). What can I say, it sounds great, does everything I want it to do, no complaints. What do you want to know about it?.

Ensoniq (now owned by E-mu, which is now owned by Creative Labs) makes the ASR-10, not Alesis. It's a great box. I don't own one, but have played with one a while ago. The sounds are very raw, great for hip-hop and other groove oriented music. It can also sample and play samples. It's not really a keyboard sampler. It has a set of drum pads and would probably only be appropriate for playing drum samples and the occasional bassline. Not really all that comparable to the EX5.

Rev E

I would like to know more about the sampler of the EX5. How much sampling time, load times, ease of use, is the sampler multi timbral....etc etc....Any input would be appreciated.

A very good sampling keyboard is the Kurzweil k2xxx series.

They are more expensive than the ex5, but you can also get them at ebay at comparative prices with the ex5, and I believe that they are actually better than the ex5.

Right now, you can get an old k2000 on ebay for about $1000