Yamaha Dtxpress


New member
Anyone familiar with the Yamaha Dtxpress electronic drum kit? I got an offer to buy one for $300. Is this a good deal? I'm not a drummer, but would like to have a kit to bang around on. Also hoping to be able to use this with EZDrummer.

Any thoughts?
The DT Express sold new for $1,000 - so I would think $300 is a decent used price (assuming everything works).

The main thing that tended to be a problem with the Express kits - was the kick tower. When I worked in a drum shop (from about 1997 to 2003) we sold a lot of DT Express kits and several customers claimed the kick towers died rather quickly (I know I had to repair or replace a few).

Other than that - the kit and the module performed well. If the kick you're looking at has a working kick tower - you may be in good shape (if it hasn't died by now - it must be one of the good ones:D).

Make sure you get the instruction book - the module can be a little hard to figure out with a book.
We just got the Yamaha dtxplorer kit which I think is very close to the express - at least looking at the two. 300 sounds like a good deal. My son loves the dtxplorer kit and has already made some huge strides just because he's got it in his room and can play any time of the day or night.

Big difference in his playing already when he plays the acoustic drums in the shed (our jam room out back)

any time of night - huh.. you must have some real good thick walls and a cement floor.. cause I have the same kit and the thwacking is still pretty loud, and I imagine in our apartment the kick must be audible in the floor below.