yamaha aw4416

kevin fox

New member
I'm currently looking at purchasing a Yamaha aw4416.These
machines are new here (Australia) and I would like some feed back on the fors and against. The current price is 5,800 aus or
2600 usa. any help or other suggestions would be gladly received

All the best

Yo Foxy Loxy:]

My first advice to you would be to find a USA friend to buy you a unit and then ship it to you. Big bucks out there in the outback!

I've read about the Yam unit and many Yam products are great. I still use the Yam DX7 Synth in my studio and it still is an outstanding product.

Suggest you try to get a physical look and audition of the unit. I like the advertisements but they tend to downplay the learning curve of a unit.

But, I think it is a good unit although I can't say for sure from practical use experience.

I like the idea of a unit that will record int 24 bit and then let you burn the CD from the same unit.

Happy shopping and recording and does Steve Erwin really hug those crocs down there down under?

Green Hornet
Many thanks for your reply Greenhornet
Good idea about finding a friend in the USA to get me one,but Australian power supply is different to the USA. therefore it has to be a unit designed for Australia.
When an Australian band tours the USA they purchase or rent amps there because of this reason.
I use quite a lot of Yamaha gear myself but with modern technology i'm frigtened of computer crashes. I currently use a Tascam 16 track and watch the tape go around with no problem,my mates which have purchased the latest computerised recording set ups are continualy having problems

All the best
Yo Foxy One:

I think that you can pick up a Yam unit through an American dealership that is equipped to handle your current out there in the Outback.

I believe, like, a touring band might want the Yam 44 and might buy it here in the states to take back to Europe while on the road.

It is possible and you can find out via a trusted friend who would do the purchasing for you. I'd look into it to save those dollars if possible.

Green Hornet
PS Foxy: Don't they make reducing/adjusting plugs to handle the electricity variables? You, know, the kind you buy to use a shaver if it is American and you are in Afghanistan? You should be able to solve the problem and buy here where the price is very debateable if you call enough 800 numbers.
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