Yamaha aw16g or Korg d12??

The green one. :eek: :D

What features will you need?
Will you be recording a drumkit?
How many XLR inputs do you think you will need?
Will you use it to mixdown with or use a computer?
Will you use external FX's?

Also check out the fostex VF160.
The the Yamahais the way to go. I own the aw16G and love it. I just purchased the updated version "aw1600" so if you want a good deal on a prelove aw16G mine is forsale. Just drop me a PM
I strongly suggest the AW16g (now updated to the AW1600). I got mine 2 years ago and my buddy got the Korg recently----NO comparison. My recordings sound better and stronger. Even doing side by side comparisons using the same mics, and pre's, the Aw16g sounds much more professional.
I think the best value is the Fostex VF160.
Go over to vf16.com and look around. For less than a grand you can record 16 tracks at once.
Moss, if you haven't recorded with a digital stand-alone, any model will probably be confusing at first. One model might seem a bit more confusing than another (partly because it may have more options), but any of them will take some weeks and months of study and experimentation if you're new to this stuff. Like many folks here, I came to digital recording from a Tascam cassette Portastudio and felt rather lost at first. I soon realized, though, that any learning I did at first, even if a bit painful, would help me with digital recording (with any make and model machine) for the rest of my life--really a small price to pay for a lifetime of enjoyment!

Particularly helpful to me were two things:

* A helpful user-support group for the machine I decided to buy--somewhere I could go with the stupidest of questions and still find help. Do some poking around to see how the group looks for any machine you're considering. The Yamaha aw16g forum--and it's a great one--is here: http://forum.dijonstock.com/

* Buying a good book on the simplest basics of digital home recording. The best I've read (and worn out) is Home Recording for Musicians-Dummies by Jeff Strong, available at most of the big book retailers. It's a very accessible book, written in a light style, that covers the basics for recording newbies.

Good luck, whatever you decide.

mossburn said:
But i heard the yamaha is a little confusing and hard to use.

I hope its not.

The G is f-ing wonderful once the basics are under control. When you do understand the G it is very simple and one wonders why it was so confusing in the first place.
Aw 1600 Forum

Thanks Jeffree!!!
I'm new to recording, Just bought an AW1600. Searched everywhere for a forum and couldn't find one.
I have started doing bits with the AW1600 and I'm blown away by the sound quality, would recommend to anybody.... :D
Congrats, Dangerous! I'll see you over at the 16G/1600 forum. Be sure to check out the numerous FAQ "stickies" there for new folks like yourself. As you probably know, the 16G and 1600 are very similar machines, so nearly all of the 16G information at the forum will apply to your new 1600.
