Yamaha AW 4416 HELP

Taylor H.

New member
Okay, I just finished recording a tune with 16 tracks and really had a difficult time accessing intenral effects, but I think I finally resolved that problem.

Here is the problem I face: when I record the tracks down to the two stereo channels, the resulting mix had a high-end tinny sound, compared to what the raw open tracks sound like. I tried adjusting the Dynamics and EQ settings, but this seemed to help only a little. Any suggestions on how to get a rounder, fuller bass sound???

Also, I know there's a way to eliminate the "empty" space at the head of the recording where the countdown click took up room, but I can find how to do it in my guide. How do I do this?

Any suggestions are much appreciated.
Hey Taylor

Check that you haven't accidentally got effects running on the STEREO track that you don't want. So hit the DYN button and then the STEREO track selector and see if you don't have a compressor running, and same thing with the EQ button, and then your AUX buses 7 & 8. Whatever you find, set it to off, null, whatever. Then you can intentionally re-add whatever compression and/or EQ settings you need which is the way you master things to stereo on the machine. The actual details of mastering I won't go into, but you'll probably want to add a bit of compression and or EQ to balance out your track and maximise the volume, if nothing else. Just make sure you're doing it deliberately rather than accidentally.

To get rid of all the excess space at the front, place a mark point at the exact point you want the song to start. Probably this is not quite at the first note, allow up to a second. Then go EDIT / PART / DELETE and with the knob, when selecting the tracks if you go all the way down past 16 you get a "select all" setting. Set the start of the delete at 0.00.000 and the end at your mark point, and hit the button and you're done.

Once you're absolutely sure that you have no use for all the stuff that you've cut off and otherwise edited out during your mixing phase, optimise the song to get rid of it and reclaim the disk space. It's under SAVE on the third tab, but this will irrevocably wipe that info from the machine, so make sure you're sure...

I'm also assuming you know that to burn this thing to a CD, you'll need to record the STEREO track and SAVE the song as well.

Oh, and if I haven't mentioned it already, track down software called "AW Extract" and keep the exe file somewhere on your 'puter (assuming it's not Mac) - it's the only way to strip WAV files from AW4416 disks (not music disks, the data backups) and one day you will need it... and it's getting hard to find. It's freeware and a clunky old interface but it works.

Thank you Armistice. I will try all this tonight. So many details! But I'm getting more comfortable with the machine.
No probs Taylor. Trust me... get "AW Extract" even if you have no immediate use for it...

My AW4416 is now gathering dust so once I figure out what to do with it I'll be working from memory alone...