Y B Blue?


Got my ticket!
Just a little Blues song I recorded using N-Track.

It's just my Tele through a V-Amp for both guitar parts and My Gibson Grabber pluged straight into my Mackie 1604. The drums are a VSTi loop in FL Studio.

Tell me what you think.

Blessings, Terry

Y B Blue?

I thought you had a nice lead tone there.
You play the bass in this one 2?
The whole mix is pretty pleasant............
Maybe in a song that long you need a bridge somewhere to kind of keep it interesting.
Good Work.........................Classy
Thanks Hevy,

Yea, I played the bass too. I started out to make a little jam track to practice to. That's why it's so long. I recorded the lead part just to listen to in my car so I could get some ideas. The more I listened to it the more I liked what had happened that day, so I thought I'd share it.

Blessings, Terry
I really like this. It's very clean and nicely played. Between this song and Deezblues, I've listening to them for hours playing my Strat trying to learn a few things! Thanks for sharing them !
is it just me or the snare is panned to the left and bass is to the right? I also dig the guitar tone:)

Very pleasant however that compression on the guitar was a little too pumping. I would have opened it up with a limiter to control the peaks and get that clean tone to come through more. Either that or lower the ratio.
Strange, I checked my tracks, I didn't add any compression to the guitar track. Must be the compressor in the V-Amp. I'm going to try and rerecord this using my BJr some day to see how it sounds.

Blessings, Terry