XTPRO with OMNI/Delta 's/pdif' noise problem....


New member
Is anyone here using the Line6 XTPRO with the M-Audio OMNI Studio ???

I've had my OMNI for 2 years now, and it's worked flawlessly, a great peice of kit for the price...

BUT, I recently bought the XTPRO....and when I hooked them up via the S/PDIF I get a strange 'noise' (ie: ground hum combined with a swirling mechanical aisling sound).....

At first, I just assumed it was the XTPRO, having a faulty SPDIF out.....so, I got a replacement unit....but alas, the SAME thing is happening with the new rig :(.....

So now, I'm kinda thinking that it must be the OMNI......however, I've used it with other SPDIF I/O's (recently) and it's worked just fine, no weird noise at all.

Please note,

When using the XTPRO's balanced analog OUTS to the OMNI, there is NO unwanted noise at all, a nice quite signal...and when using the SPDIF, (IF I have both the spdif and analog cables connected) it reduces that strange noise - somewhat...It was this that made me think it must be the XTPRO in the first place....cos I thought there was perhaps a faulty loop in the unit, between the anaolog/spdif connections, internally...

A penney for ya thoughts on this...


Check the setting for the SPDIF clock for the OMNI. It should be set to EXTERNAL. I also have the OMNI and if I forget to set the clock when using the SPDIF input it sounds HORRIBLE!
tom18222 said:
its XT so doesnt it have a USB? That would be much better IMO.

YES it does.....but the OMNI doesn't support USB.....so IF I wanna go thru that.....I cannot use the XTPRO USB connection...

Anyway, the Line6 guitar support guy told me a while back that USB is crappy for recording purposes.

I actually prefer the balanced analog OUTS on that unit, they sound a slightly more 'organic'.....the S/PDIF may be a tad cleaner/clearer...but it's also a bit more digitally edged too.

tom18222 said:
but if its USB than it is its own soundcard basically, which would be better cause its direct.

Yeah maybe,

but here's the rub.....In order for me to utilize the XTPRO's USB in Cubase SX....I have to use the XTPRO ASIO driver....and that then prevents me from using the OMNI ASIO, and directing the OUTPUT signal through the OMNI card, which I NEED to do, because my studio monitors are connected via the OMNI breakout box...

I cannot totally bypass the OMNI, because both my studio monitors and AKG cans use it....and ya cannot utilize 'two' ASIO's in SX at once...

Plus, I assume...the A/D converters are better in the M-Audio, than the XTPRO, so I wouldn't want to NOT use the OMNI anyways, for that reason...

tom18222 said:
well cant you have each track from a different source?

That's not the point....

at some stage, the signal must go thru the OMNI to utilize the Delta 66 breakout box....coz, that's 'where' my studio monitors and headphone outs are connected to.

In Cubase SX one cannot run two diff ASIO's simultanously, which would be required to use the XTPRO USB in.....and then out to the OMNI, in order to listen to it....

I can get the XTPRO USB siganl into the track, no prob, I can see the VU levels, etc....but I can't hear anything, coz I cannot assign the BUS out to OMNI, as there are no OMNI options showing in Cubase SX OUTPUTS, as the M-Audio ASIO is not selected...

In other words, one cannot use TWO soundcards at the same time....

Get my drift?


You never said if your clock was set to S/PDIF In or not. If you haven't tried it I can assure you that if it isn't set correctly you have a very good chance of having noise. This is digital data. The clock must be sync'd to the source of digital data or the receiver could interpret the data incorrectly. You will probably get sound if it is set wrong but there will be errors. The errors will manifest themselves as noise. I have encountered noises ranging from a slight clicking to garbage.

Tom has a good point too. A bad cable can certainly result in errors. But if it is very bad you will get total dropouts.

don4777 said:

You never said if your clock was set to S/PDIF In or not. If you haven't tried it I can assure you that if it isn't set correctly you have a very good chance of having noise. This is digital data. The clock must be sync'd to the source of digital data or the receiver could interpret the data incorrectly. You will probably get sound if it is set wrong but there will be errors. The errors will manifest themselves as noise. I have encountered noises ranging from a slight clicking to garbage.

Tom has a good point too. A bad cable can certainly result in errors. But if it is very bad you will get total dropouts.


Hi Don,

YEP I've tried it with the OMNI clock set to S/PDIF in...and the XTPRO on internal......plus also the other way round, with the XTPRO set to spdif match and the OMNI acting as master, set to internal.

I have a feeling that it may be a ground prob.....the adapter I'm using for my OMNI only has TWO prongs, and therefore maybe no grounded proper...I will get a 2 to 3 plug adapter and see if it makes any difference.
