XT20 vs LX20


Now with 25% more sarcasm
I am looking to purchase 3 NEW ADATs(don't even mention buying used as I have been burned in the past). Will I notice that much of a diffference between the +4db from the XT20's elco vs the -10db from the LX20's rca? I am on somewhat of a budget and the $1500 I will save on the 3 LX20's will go far towards other stuff. I know the construction is cheaper on the LX20's but I don't plan on taking them hiking with me anytime soon. I just need an honest opinion if I as an average home studio guy will hear any major difference. I am using a Mackie 3208 if that makes affects anything. Thanx
Honest opinion? What the heck is that? Man, this topic is likely to get bruised in no time! The battle of LX20 vs XT20 and +4db vs -10db is a bad topic of discussion anymore. I personally don't have a real answer for you. I will say that the +4db is going to give you greater dynamic range and tapes that will transfer better in pro studios. But I understand that a lot of studios out there are still using the old XTs which are 16bit which would deem the 20bit recording edge useless, which is where the real dynamic range breakthrough is at anyway. Go figure. I hope you get some good answers that are better than mine because my answer is put your money where YOU want to spend it. You'll have a better setup than 95% of us either way.

Peace, Jim
If you are going to make a significant investment into equipment, the rule of thumb is always, buy cheap buy twice....or three or four times for that matter.

Trust me when I say that the difference between the -10 and +4 on ADAT's have a significant difference in the audio quality. This is a difference that you can hear.

Maybe just get two XT-20's for now and buy a third later when you can afford it. Or, skimp on something else.

The 20 bit +4 XT-20 is a very worth while investment. Go for it!!!

Oh, and by the way, all of the ADAT's I have in my studio where purchased used. Not one of them has needed anything more than regular maintnance!!! If you can score XT-20's used at a good price (good luck finding them used though) go for it. I doubt that you will have a problem with them.

Good luck.

Ed Rei
Echo Star Studio www.echostarstudio.com