Xp 30

Masters Of War

New member
I just got an xp 30 and I'm pretty stoked. I've been sort of pining after this board for a few years and I finally got one. Thinking about getting the 60s/70s expansion anyone recomend any of the other sr-jv80 expansion boards?
I'd just explore the built-in stuff with expansions already built-in. The 60's/70's card is a good addition (I have that in my XV-3080). The Session and Orchestra expansions are built-in to the XP30.

I kind of miss mine.
I'd just explore the built-in stuff with expansions already built-in. The 60's/70's card is a good addition (I have that in my XV-3080). The Session and Orchestra expansions are built-in to the XP30.

I kind of miss mine.

I don't miss my XP30 at all. Once I got a Motif 6 Classic, it made the XP30 sound dull and lifeless. The cheaper converters Roland used in the XP30 compared to the JV series and XP 60/80 took all the life out of it.

There are many softsynths out there that easily replace and outperform the XP30. Apple's EXS-24 softsynth that ships with Logic leaves the XP30 in the dust. Cakewalk's Dimension Pro is a good replacement as well.
I have a XP-80 and a Motif Rack. Both units are great and has great sounds. Sometimes I prefer from one over the other for specific sounds that I'm after.
I don't miss my XP30 at all. Once I got a Motif 6 Classic, it made the XP30 sound dull and lifeless. The cheaper converters Roland used in the XP30 compared to the JV series and XP 60/80 took all the life out of it.

There are many softsynths out there that easily replace and outperform the XP30. Apple's EXS-24 softsynth that ships with Logic leaves the XP30 in the dust. Cakewalk's Dimension Pro is a good replacement as well.

I just said I kind of missed it. I haven't lost sleep over not having it anymore. I only used it live, so I wasn't too concerned with the converters - sounded good live to me. I must say that my XV-3080 is better and has gotten some good use in my studio lately.
The XP-30 is my main keyboard, although I'm not much of a keyboardist. I've had it for nearly ten years and have the Vintage Synth and FX expansion cards. The Vintage is used often and is pretty convincing, the FX need a little boost from your imagination, but come in handy when needed. Better keyboards around? Obviously. But a good all-arounder to have.