WTB: Tama remote hat


New member
Looking for the cable w/ pedal version, it's apparently no longer made. If you've got one for sale, shoot me an email: graphicrage(at)yahoo.com.

Does it have to be a tama? I have tama drums but hate the hardware. I swapped over to the pearl eliminator stuff and really like it. They have a cable hat remote also and it works really well.
ha I'm the opposite, I play Ludwig but prefer Tama hardware! So yeah, I am looking for the tama version. If I can't find one, I'll probably go for the pearl, heard a few good comments about it. There's rumors Tama will come out with an iron cobra version of the remote hat, but I can't wait, I need one sometime this week.
have you checked out the DW remote hat? same deal--pedal with cable. great action on the couple i've played. never gigged one, can't vouch for their reliability....but all my other dw hardware's held up great.

good luck!

I think I have a Yamaha... cant remember... it is in storage.
I'll never use it, I took it on trade from a friend.
Probably will take $50 plus shipping.

If you think you might be interested let me know, I'll go dig it out and take a picture.
