WTB: Rack FX- Rack Reverb


New member

My trusty, crusty V-Verb REV2496 took a dump. Just get opening screen then it blinks on and off- intermittent.

Would someone have a Midiverb, TC Electrics, Lexicon FX/Verb etc for sale real cheap? Need the power supply too.

I'm so tired of hunting them down. ( I think they made around 87,564 different voltage/ amperage models in the last 5 years)

Nothing fancy.....nothing new or mint...just working . NO Behringer Hee Hee.


Please email me: zor AT blueridge DOT net
I'm near Shelby, NC.

Thanks for looking and Happy Holidays.

If you have one working with no P.S, let me know the voltage etc and let me check my junk collection -I may have one after all.