Wow This Is The Sweetest Tele I've Ever Heard!

72' Deluxe re-ish, a decent compressor and a clean valve amp will get you in the ballpark. He seems to have a nice touch and heavy strings always seem to help nail those jazzy tones.
Read through the comments on that page there and he says what he's using.

It's a "parts-caster" Tele with AllParts mini humbuckers. He says that he's playing thorugh a home-built preamp and compressor direct into Sonar. So that's pretty impressive that he gets such a good clean tone recorded direct.
He forgot to mention there is also some slapback or light reverb happening as well. But he is a great player getting great tone. If you have that same guitar, you can probably get that tone on the cheap. Which flies in the face of all your friends that think you need 'boo-teek' gear to get that tone.:p
Yeah, I was definitely surprised to find out that was recorded direct. That makes twice this week that I've been impessed by a guitar tone and come to find out it's software. Either I'm getting easier to please or modelling software is getting better.