wow, no way to fade to black in cakewalk9??


New member
It seems like you can not fade a song out in Cakewalk9. This seems really weird to me.

How do you fade a song, so the whole song fades out to zero levels on all tracks (or on the stereo master), like they do on records all the time?

This seems to me to be a fundamental task and I can not believe cakewalk9 is incapable of anything but a dead bump from sound to no sound. Of course I can manually fade, but you can not manually do anything when you are making it a .wav or MP3.

I record with mikes, so there is always air even when the last note fades. I need to fade out the natural fade faster sometimes.

Going from air to silence without a fade sounds like someone flipping a switch and is anything but "pro audio" sounding.

Please advise.
I don't do fades in the multitrack but wait to do it in two track but it's easy as hell in Cakewalk. Just draw the fades on individual tracks with volume envelopes.

volume envelopes appear to be the term I am looking for, thanks.

I asked this a while ago but my hard drive crashed and I lost the link to this place and then was out of town for awhile, so never saw the answer.
The problem with Cakewalk PA9 is that you can not put an envelope on the master. Therefore, you have to put them on each individual track (as Track Rat told you).

Tedious, but it will work.

Sonar, OTOH, allows you to put a volume envelope on the VMain (master out), which would then lower ALL tracks with just a single envelope. Another reason to upgrade. :)
Just to clarify TrackRat's answer:

You generally don't edit a global fade when you are recording tracks. That happens in the mastering stage.

Mix your song down to one stereo track. Then edit the fade-out during mastering with a dedicated .wav editor, or import the .wav into a stereo track in CW and use an envelope to do it then.

Aaron Cheney said:
Just to clarify TrackRat's answer:

You generally don't edit a global fade when you are recording tracks. That happens in the mastering stage.

Mix your song down to one stereo track. Then edit the fade-out during mastering with a dedicated .wav editor, or import the .wav into a stereo track in CW and use an envelope to do it then.

Bulls Eye