Would you hold on to these amps?


New member
I have an mb 20/20 that I paid $400 for that is selling for $500+ on ebay,

and an mb 2:100 that I paid $500 for that I can sell for at least $650

I am about to buy a solidstate head (randall rh or rg) that will be my only amp because I hate having all different amps and because I love the tone and I am wondering if I should sell these now or just lock them up in their racks and keep them in the closet for 20 or so years.

do you think they will appreciate in value?

CJ- One guitar - one amp- one sound -my sound
Whether or not they appreciate in value or not Who can really say. You can look them up at www.prepal.com and see if they're auction prices have increased or decreased recently.
I'm a one amp at a time guy myself but if you ever plan on recording clients and you don't desperately need the cash it can be an advantage to your studio to have several amps around for clients or friends to make use of. Just something to consider.
A few points of philosophy about good quality gear you're currently not using:

One philosophy says: "If you can afford to hold onto it, then hold onto it, because if you ever want it again, you won't want to or won't be able to afford it again."

Another philosophy would be "Sell these two units and put the money into something else, which you'll both use and will appreciate in value and you can always re-sell."

The second bit has become my mantra lately. It's not the worst thing in the world. Think it over.

Don't just sell the stuff and buy soap and toothbrushes though.

unfortunately, amps that tend to appreciate are either combos or head/cab pairs...separate power amps and/or pres do not typically do so. There are some exceptions, of course, but consider, in your case, MB power amps and pres: I paid 600 for a stu pre in the late 80s and you can buy one now for 300 or less...and many people consider it to be the best sounding MB ever. The stu pre is nearly a cult object and the price still hasn't gone up. Preamps, poweramps, same thing. MB power amps are everywhere, just look at Ebay, they're not the hot items. My friend down the road had a hard time getting a good price out of his 20 20 just two months ago.

If you stash them away for years, pull them out, dust them off and try to sell them they're not going to fetch much, I suspect. But, then again, maybe we'll go through a 80s hair metal revival and pre/power amp things will be hot one more time. :rolleyes:
the 20/20 aint gonna be a classic. the 2:100 might. They are getting rare. but then again; you'll have 650,- collecting dust...nevre a good thing...
Who cares if they appreciate or not, what is cool is having a whole bunch of amps and shit stacked up all over your place to impress your buddies with!
