would this be effective?


New member
what if i put the real traps portable vocal booth or the se electronics reflexion filter in a small closet that has a door that can be closed and use this as a vocal boot? would this work since the portable booths will stop the reflections from hitting on the walls of the closet and the closet will be used to get more of an iso feeling so i cant hear the computer fans and stuff? or will the vocals still sound boxy even if i used the portable vocal booths? by the way which one is better out of the real traps portable booth or se electronics relexion filter?
Man the closet is the vocal booth where I'm from even without the reflection filter.

I can't tell you which one is better as I have no experience with the real traps one.

What I can say is either will more than likely be an asset rather than a hinderance to your recordings.
I'd never record in a closet. Id put the vocal filter pad thing behind the mic, then hang up blankets draped around mic stands on both sides of the singer and mic to block stuff from the sides. I'd do this in a room though, not a closet.
what if i put the real traps portable vocal booth or the se electronics reflexion filter in a small closet that has a door that can be closed and use this as a vocal boot? would this work since the portable booths will stop the reflections from hitting on the walls of the closet and the closet will be used to get more of an iso feeling so i cant hear the computer fans and stuff? or will the vocals still sound boxy even if i used the portable vocal booths? by the way which one is better out of the real traps portable booth or se electronics relexion filter?

Well...depends on the closet :D

Closets and very small spaces are likely to exhibit comb filtering. This is the effect you hear when you sing in an enclosed space like a shower or stairwell. You might think this sounds powerful because some frequencies are reinforced, but you would almost certainly not like it on a recording.

Maybe your closet is sufficiently dead so that it won't be an issue or perhaps you could make it so with enough treatment. In fact, it's possible that if you treated your closet enough you wouldn't need a Reflection Filter type product.

Obviously the Real Traps site is biased, but the undeniable facts are that they are using a known effective material and their product is physically larger. When my friend asked my opinion on the two, I advised him to go with the Real Traps for those reasons. I have never personally A/B'd the two though. People seem to like the Reflection Filter as well.

I'd guess that if you contact Real Traps they'd offer you some advice on your specific situation. This is what they do. Whatever you do, don't take advice at Guitar Center;)