Would appreciate critiques of my Vietnam War song


New member
I have finally dug out an old rock song from a long time ago and re-recorded it with some modern equipment. I wrote it about some experiences I had when I was in Vietnam during the war.
WARNING ABOUT VOCALS: The singing sucks. I used a simple $12.00 boom mic I had lying around fro internet telephoning, no pre-amp, Audigy soundcard and I recorded the vocals in a location where I couldn't really belt out the song.
Having said the above, I would appreciate any comments pro or con regarding the music as I intend to do a better job on the vocals when my new equipment arrives over here.
The song is called 'Jungle Patrol' and it can be found at my soundclick site. Click the Soundclick logo in my sig to get there.

Thanks in advance to anyone giving a listen.
Listening now. My first impression is way too much intro before the vocal begins. Also the first part of the intro left me expecting something different than what it turned in to. The tune is OK. I'm just not much of a midi guy. I know it's probably a tall order but I feel real drums would go a long way towards "humanizing" the feel.
This subject is near my heart though as I'm doing a project with a group of Vietnam vets here trying to help them put there thoughts about their experiences into music.
Track Rat said:
Listening now. My first impression is way too much intro before the vocal begins. Also the first part of the intro left me expecting something different than what it turned in to. The tune is OK. I'm just not much of a midi guy. I know it's probably a tall order but I feel real drums would go a long way towards "humanizing" the feel.
This subject is near my heart though as I'm doing a project with a group of Vietnam vets here trying to help them put there thoughts about their experiences into music.
track rat - Thanx for taking the time to review.
Yeah, sometimes I can get a little dramatic. I was trying set the 'jungle' scene for the 'paqtrol'. You can hear the cannons in the background and, of course, the oriental flute.
I agree with everything you've mentioned. Can't do real drums, but I could maybe do better by 'playing' the drums from the keyboard instead of sequencing. Not much choice over here. I'm recording all by myself. Not much in the way of Western bands here to recruit from. It's be sounding much better when my new stuff arrives and I re-record.

PS-Let me know if you need any help with the Vietnam gig. As you can see I am located here in Saigon. Thanks again.
Well, it has a cool, almost scary vibe at the start. Changes to a more upbeat type song, when the intro is over. Everything does seem well mixed. Vocals aren't as hideous as you said they might be. They sound sort of live, compared to the rest of the music. I think a new mic, which I assume is coming, will help. They just sound a bit distant. I believe the performance is good. Vocals are actually better than most of my singing.... :D
Anyway, fix the vocals, and you got it made. If you added the huge reverb, take some, or all of it off. If that's the way it recorded, try and fix the huge verb. Seems like the only real drawback.
Dogman said:
Well, it has a cool, almost scary vibe at the start. Changes to a more upbeat type song, when the intro is over. Everything does seem well mixed. Vocals aren't as hideous as you said they might be. They sound sort of live, compared to the rest of the music. I think a new mic, which I assume is coming, will help. They just sound a bit distant. I believe the performance is good. Vocals are actually better than most of my singing.... :D
Anyway, fix the vocals, and you got it made. If you added the huge reverb, take some, or all of it off. If that's the way it recorded, try and fix the huge verb. Seems like the only real drawback.

Dogman - Thanks for your time. Appreciate and agree with all your comments. Funny how you don't notice these things until someone points them out. But, that's the whole point of posting for an objective opinion. I'm storing these away for when I get my new mic, preamp and other equipment to be used when I remix. Thanks again!