Wish They All Could Be California Girls.......


New member
But some girls are better off in Minnesota. I got a couple of new toys, a Cad Trion 7000 ribbon mic, which is the bomb on front of kick. And a Hagstrom Viking guitar, which fills a little hole in my collection, semi-hollow with humbuckers. I am too embarrassed to tell anybody what I paid for these, about 20% of retail, the local pawnshops here are way overstocked with musical stuff at the moment....So of course I had to come up with a song to try them on, I think it turned out pretty good.....
Cool song. Nice guitar tones and vocals. Groove could be tightened up in places. More bass.
Very nice, oddly as I am a guitar player. I would like to hear a mix with the guitar completely dropped and the bass rolled up in to the mix. Still really cool as is.