Wiring a telephone in?


New member
Yup, I want to wire in a standard (well, dirt cheap £2.49 tesco value ;) ) landline phone to record it. So 2 questions:

1 - Does the phone-y sound you get from a phone come from the process of micing, sending down miles and miles of cabling, then coming out of a tiny speaker on the other end, or is it simply the mic thats in the phone that gives the sound. Because clearly this isn't gona work if the mic doesnt sound like a phone on its own.

2 - Provided the above question gets a happy answer, then I'll have to tackle the problem of how you wire it. Is it standard audio signal running down the cable? I've never toyed around with a phone before...

Or, am I wasting my time? Should I just intercom the 2 phones together and stick a mic infront of one phone and talk into the other one, and record what the mic picks up? If that works, I'd wana know how well it'd work doing it on a stage, because obviously the sound level coming out of the speaker of a phone isn't very powerful, so the mic i stick next to it would pick up ALOT of background noise I guess? Just imagine what I'm thinking - me standing on a stage singing into a phone, which is connected to another phone which has it's speaker mic'd up.

Am I stupid?
It's partially the mic and partially the transmission--modern digital transmission doesn't suffer loss (the switch is probably within 1 or 2km of your house), but it has a really low sample rate.

Try taking a regular dynamic mic, set a high-pass at 180Hz, and record to an 8kHz sample rate. Convert up to your recording rate (44.1, 96, whatever), and distort as desired.