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Im looking into getting a wireless system for my guitarist.

Anyone have any expeirence with these?

Is the sound quality noticably different?

What is the standard frequency that they use?

I'm thinking of getting into wireless because cables, suck. We will eventually play live and it, i think, will be a good thing to have.

Sound quality for instrument units doesn't vary too much...

Do yourself a favor though - Don't be too cheap. If you can find a UHF unit with selectable frequencies, you'll thank me later. Even if it's twice the price of a single-frequency VHF unit.

Nady, Sennheiser, Shure, AKG... They're all pretty decent.

John Scrip - www.massivemastering.com
Wireless sounds like crap. They compress the crap out of the sound, and they will NEVER compare to the sound of a cable. Get a good cable, and it will sound better.


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M.K. Gandhi