Windows XP

JC Lives

New member
I decided to start a new thread about this sinse it is a different topic and I didn't want it to get buried in my ranting post.

Anyway, I just got an email from Event support asking me why I wouldn't want to upgrade to Win XP. It appears that their unit will work as a control surfaceon XP.

Is there anyone here that can tell me why I should or shoudn't do it.

I have a brand new Carillon computer with a Intel P4. 1.7GHZ processor with 1GB ram. The mobo is an Intel D845WNL (SDRAM) with a solano 815e chipset. I am also using the Delta 1010 and Cubase 32/5.1

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated since I know nothing about XP and compatibility issues with the rest of my stuff.

I have XP now and have had it for several months and its great. Based on what you listed for your gear, you should have no problem upgrading. Delta has released XP drivers, and Cubase reportedly works fine, although many have reported problems when they upgraded to XP vs. a clean install. I don't use it myself, so I couldn't tell you.

If you do go to XP, get XP Pro and do a clean install. it will have the least headaches.

(BTW, XP has consistently run faster and more stable than any other that I have tried, and that's good considered this PC is a piece-meal affair bought part by part when I could afford it. XP installed everything almost completely without my help. It has run flawlessly and, am I beaming...I think I'm beaming...)

I've got nothing against XP, but I do believe that for what little your going to gain by upgrading (if anything) that money could be better spent on other studio toys. (ie mics, pres, etc., etc.) :D
MONTE said:
I've got nothing against XP, but I do believe that for what little your going to gain by upgrading (if anything) that money could be better spent on other studio toys. (ie mics, pres, etc., etc.) :D

He didn't specify which OS he's using currently. If its 2000, you have a point, but if its 98 or ME, he'd be doing himself a HUGE favor to go with XP
Point well taken. I guess I assumed that with a PC with specs that recent that he had at least 2000.
XP appears to be more stable and reliable with audio software now. Just verify that all your programs have XP drivers, which can be obtained from product websites. Im using XP PRO with a dual boot, 1 optimized for my audio apps. and its rock solid, far better than 98se ever was. If you do have WIN2k though, you will probably be fine without upgrading.
I do have win2k

The whole reason for my post was that I bought this nifty neat Event EZBus. The reason I purchased that was because it can be used as a control surface for my Cubase as well as being a digital mixer and computer interface.

The problem is that I cannot use the control surface feature of the thing with win2k. I just doesn't work with this OS.

Monte, I actually just got a bunch of other new toys. here is a list of all the stuff I just got:

The Carillon computer listed above
Samsung 17" LCD monitor
Delta 1010
Event EZBus (I got a free SE2000 mic and cable with it)
Furman power conditioner
Presonus MP20 mic pre
ART Pro VLA compressor
Ashley PQX-572 Dual channel 7 band par eq
Behringer HA4600 headphone dist amp
dbx PB48 patch bay
Raxxess ER 12/16 rack to put it all in
Mackie HR 824 monitors
2 - SE Elect. SE1's
And a whole bunch of various cables

My main concern is that I will be able to use the Delta and Cubase with XP. Since the rest of my stuff is analog, it wont matter.

I really appreciate all your input.
tweaking XP?

Stealthtech, I was curious if you had any good resources for tweaking your XP and audio apps. I've got a new computer with XP that I've had for about a month. Things are running pretty well, I'm just wanting to tweak it for audio production as much as I can and smooth out the occasional glitch. (AMD XP 1.6Ghz, 512RAM, Delta 44, Sonar 1.3)

The only tweaking guides I've been able to find were either for other OS's or not specifically Audio recording.

Just point me in the right direction if you have any ideas.


Well, I bit the bullet

I went out at lunch and picked up the XP Pro upgrade ($200...OUCH)

I'm with shackx2. Any tweaking advice would be greatly appreciated.

What is the reasoning??

Hey sonny,

Can you give me some insite as to why I should do a clean install if available.

I want to do what ever is going to be the least amount of hassle. I have already been fighting with this new system fo rabout 2 weeks now and I want to get into some recording. I'm tired of trying to pretend I am a computer geek.

The main reason to go with a clean install is to avoid hassles. With a clean install, you will want to reformat your hd and then you will reinstall all of your software under windows XP Pro. This may seem like a big hassle, but the fact is that everybody I know (including me) who didn't do a clean install at first ended up doing it later. Some apps that you have may actually become unsable or make XP unstable. I know certain apps will work fine w/ XP, only if installed under XP. Easy CD Creator 5, Norton Utilities, and I've heard a few cubase users say that cubase is like that too. Trust me, a clean install is the way to fly. Most places will have XP drivers by now, so that shouldn't be a problem.

XP is actually a very easy install...:D
I won the XP professional version last week with a contest from my provider!:)

I also hear many people say I should go for the clean install, but I'm not looking forward to it. What a hassle, I'll have to back-up heaps of audio data (I am the kind that hate trowing something away, so I got loads of unfinished crappy songs on my drive which I hate to erase).

But if everybody says it's worth the hassle...
Re: I do have win2k

JC Lives said:
Monte, I actually just got a bunch of other new toys. here is a list of all the stuff I just got:

The Carillon computer listed above
Samsung 17" LCD monitor
Delta 1010
Event EZBus (I got a free SE2000 mic and cable with it)
Furman power conditioner
Presonus MP20 mic pre
ART Pro VLA compressor
Ashley PQX-572 Dual channel 7 band par eq
Behringer HA4600 headphone dist amp
dbx PB48 patch bay
Raxxess ER 12/16 rack to put it all in
Mackie HR 824 monitors
2 - SE Elect. SE1's
And a whole bunch of various cables

JCL, you're a stumbling block to me. Your recent gear acquisition is causing me to fall prey to the sin of envy. Renounce your sin and send some of that gear to a fellow Christian (i.e. to me) to atone :D :p :D. Just kidding, dude. Looks like you got some good stuff.

Hey, let us know how your install goes and how XP works for you. I've been thinking of getting a similar setup (Carillon w/XP) and would like to hear how things turn out for you. Happy recording, dude!
Will do.

If I don't have success, believe me you will know because I will be seeking the advice from everyone.

If I do succeed, You will also know because I will be so happy that I will need to share the news with everyone.

Just so that you don't think that I went out and robbed a bank to get all this stuff, it was actually purchased with blood money. I lost my son in an auto accident in the fall and this was stuff was purchased with insurance money. Because he was so much into music (we even wrote and recorded a song together) that I felt that I should try and carry on. Now when I walk in my studio and see all this stuff, it makes me think of him and gives me inspiration to make music.

I'm really sorry I can't share this stuff with you, but I'm also sure that you can understand why.

Uh oh

I think I've made a fool of myself, albeit unintentionally.

JCL, my whole first paragraph (up to the smilies) was a lame attempt at humor. I was only kidding about the gear, and I certainly would not have even thought of joking had I known your situation and where the money came from. If I've offended you or caused you any grief as a result of my flippant remarks, I humbly apologize. I am sorry for your loss and I'm ashamed that I made a seemingly innocent joke that turned out to be somewhat callous. After reading your reply I found myself on the verge of tears. Not a very manly thing to admit, I guess, but I can live with that.

If you ever need someone to talk to, or just need someone to listen, let me know. You and your family are in my prayers.

To everyone else, sorry to derail this thread. I'll take a hike for awhile. . . .
No problems beav.

Everything is cool. You did not make a fool of youself, you don't have to take a hike, you did not offend me in any way, and as a matter of fact I kind of laughed when I read your post.

All is good. :cool: :D :) After all, I got God on my side. (will probably hear it for saying this, but thats ok to).

JC, sorry for your loss. My younger sister passed away recently at 27 and it's never easy.

Good luck with the new gear, you got some cool stuff there. Right some songs to make your son proud.
Thanks man, I'm trying.

As soon as I get this computer situation worked out. ARGH.

Then I can start having some real fun.

Once I am able to get a song to gether then I will find some way to post a file for everyone to hear. (Don't know how to do that yet either).