win2k, need software


New member
ok well, i got a virus the other day so i blasted my hard drive, but now i have win2k, and i cant use pro tools, the only software that works is cakewalk pa9, i dont like it but if it is all i can find ill use it, but some plug ins for compression and stuff, cuz right now i got the basic plug ins and analog x's gate, thats it. but if u know of any cheap software that works on windows 2000 professional, that would be awesome
Just about everything will work fine on 2K these days. You sure you don't have an out of date version of PT Free?

Anyhow, for cheap solutions look at n-Track and Fruity Loops.

Slackmaster 2000
Slackmaster2K said:
Just about everything will work fine on 2K these days. You sure you don't have an out of date version of PT Free?

Anyhow, for cheap solutions look at n-Track and Fruity Loops.

Slackmaster 2000

...and Cakewalk Home Studio 2002/2004
System Software: Windows Me or Windows 98 Second Edition (will NOT run on Windows XP, 2000, NT, 95, or 3.1)

why oh why