will this cause problems?..


New member
hello everyone! i have 2 questions that i need answers to, and sorry if im posting in the wrong thread, but nothing else really fit my questions -_-

anyways, just recently i was having massive hum problems and after changing my monitors from RCA-TS connections to XLR-XLR connections, a lot (almost all) of that hum has been eliminated! great, but now my mixer setup gets a little confusing... previously i had my m-audio delta 1010LT outputs going into the 9/10, 11/12, 13/14, and 15/16 stereo channels on my mixer (behringer ub2442fx), then my monitors (KRK RP8s) were simply just connected to the control room outs of my mixer. that leads me to my first question...

1. are the control room outs on the behringer ub2442fx balanced outputs? i couldnt find any information on that. i know what EVERY single in/out on the mixer is, except for the control room outs!! if anyone could enlighten me, id appreciate that.

ok, so i had to adjust my setup cuz of the unbalanced cable creating a lot of interference/hum. i had 2 balanced xlr cables sitting around, so i decided to route the main outs of the mixer to the monitors. my headphones r still plugged into the control room outputs, so i needed a way to get the output from the soundcard to the headphones without playing on the main out as well. i used the aux send and routed that to the aux return, then just sent that return to the control room outs. and it seems to work (except for the fact that its mono, but that is simply for tracking anyways). so pretty much this is my setup in short

soundcard outs-->mixer stereo channel 11/12-->main out-->monitors
soundcard outs-->mixer stereo channel 11/12-->aux send 4-->aux return 4-->control room outs-->headphones

so heres my second question...

2. will this setup cause problems? the only problem i notice right now is when im mixing/mastering w/ my monitors (in other words, through the main out), since i have to keep the output so low, the levels on the monitor show that nothing is going on. i hear everything, but the little lights dont show clipping when there is clearly clipping going on. this can easily be cured by simply watching my levels in my sequencer. but for those rare moments when i need to record without the computer... what do i do!! -_- other than that i cant see any other problems. if there are any suggestions on this setup, please help me out!

but never really knew y. so if anyone could help that would be great. thanks and sorry if this doesnt make any sense... i was just kinda typing ;o