Will n-track work on my computer?

Keith L

New member
I'm about to get a computer from my company. It's a 2-year old HP Vectra with a Pentium 200, 2.5 gigs of hard drive and 128 megs ram. Will I have any problems running n-track on this rig?
I think the best thing to do would be to just download the free version that you can get from their site at www.fasoft.com and play around with it. Then you will really know how many tracks you can record and playback. I have a feeling that every computer has its own personality. Its free to try out, I just don't think you can save anything that you record. Its just for trying out and seeing if you like it. I like it a lot. Its fairly simple to understand. Its also only $30 for the full version of it. So just download it and see how it works on your system.
Good luck.