will it fit???


New member
Presently I midi in tracks to my computer to Cakewalk Pro 8.3 (basically as a sequencer), then, after I have all my midi tracks mixed to the proper levels and set the pans, I send my midi tracks back thru the keyboard(s) to my Tascam 564 4 track as a 2 track mix, add my vocal(s) to the 4 track -- then bounce it all down to two tracks prior to sending it out the SPDIF out to a Sony CD burner.

I'm trying to decide between upgrading to Sonar and adding a good soundcard to my PC, or just buying a separate outboard digital recorder, like a Roland, Yamaha, or Fostex.

I want at least 16 tracks, and I want to be able to edit (cut and paste, etc) freely.

Now ---- with my current PC setup. (Emachine 733 - 750 hz, 20 gig hd, 256 MRAM, and the "AC97"sound card that came in it, whatever that is??) what would be the recommendation for a soundcard if I go to Sonar?
I need audio I/O, SPDIF I/O. I don't know if I really need something as elaborate as the Omni Studio (mic pre's, phantom power, etc) as I have an ART TubePac I run my vocals thru. I'm mostly looking for something where I can put vocals on to the Sonar after I midi my instrument sounds as usual.

The sound card in the Emachine is built into the back of the computer just like the printer port, USB port, etc. i.e., it's not on a separate bay slot. If I get a card like a different sound card, is it a big deal to install? Do I have to disable the other card??

PLEASE HELP ME DECIDE!!! For the $$ I would spend on a soundcard and SOnar upgrade, I could probably pay for most of an outboard recorder. (I'm so confused)

I hear the Emachines kinda suck for intensive audio apps. The AC97 can be disabled, but you need a free PCI slot for a new card. I would say a midiman Audiophile would do good for you, and can be had for 150.00
2 analog inputs and outputs. S/PDIF ins and outs, and MIDI ins and outs.
You would have more control and power over you MIDI sequencing with this card and good software. And excellant audio recordings at 24bit.
