Will I fry my firepod??? (design flaw?)

ok, i have one of those quik lok modular desks with the 18-something space rack built in to the side. At the top of my rack, i have a furman m-8 power conditioner that the 6 things below it are all connected to. Now, everything in my rack has a front panel power switch - so that i can flip on my power conditoner, THEN flip on all my rack units ... except the firepod. For whatever reason, the firepod's power switch is located on the BACK of the unit.

I'm sure this must be a design sacrifice/flaw???

So, to turn on this most valuable component, i have to crawl behind my desk and reach in and fumble around through all the cables and whatnot to flip on the power.

My question is this: How "harmful/REALLY bad idea" would it be for me to leave that switch on, and just power down and up by switching on and off the Furman.

I'm assuming i'm running the risk of frying it, and that i'm just stuck reaching around forever, right?
I am not sure what the risk associated with doing that is, but I do know that in my studio classes at university I learned to shut everything off before shutting down the power conditioner. It seems like it may be you are stuck with doing that..which does kinda suck I can imagine. Maybe call Presonus and ask what the deal is?
maybe the easier solution is to have it as your bottom piece in the 18 space unit, and reach underneath (just memorize, or fiddle around) till you flip the switch..