Will adding ram help latency?

What affects the latency are mostly your cache ram, CPU speed and the refresh rate of your rams. When you check the system resources, at least 40% of it must be free for a smooth running. If you achieve that ammount then your ram will be enough and all the responsibility will be fall over CPU speed and cache rams of both mainboard and soundcard (cheap soundcards may not have cache ram on them).

Also check your soundcard options for how many wave files can it support as default (you can and most of the times you have to increase that amount). Unfortunately this amount is always be their limit and setting a higher amount forces soundcard to playback and record those track in turns instead of all at a time. As this turns in byte basis you can hear them as playing at the same time but infact in every byte the tracks get late a few msecs. That amout can be longer if you have a slower CPU.

I hope this helps
Eaglion said:
What affects the latency are mostly your cache ram, CPU speed and the refresh rate of your rams.
You forgot the two most important parts: 1) A quality soundcard with 2) quality ASIO and/or WDM-drivers...

that is true... all I meant by it is that since I went to 512 from 256 RAM, Sonar no longer dropped out when I was running 6 different Waves Trueverb plugs on different tracks plus compressors and EQs in 15 different tracks