will active crossover or delay processor help in this case?


New member
according to a thread I posted earlier, I have a problem with PA set up in a reverbant room.


Will a crossover help make the FOH sound better?

The spec of my speaker said there's a suggest crossover freq of 3.2kHz
it also run a speakon connection of 4 Pins x 2

Are there some case that we can use an active crossover to split the 15" unit and the tweeter into seperate range?

do this need 2 seperate poweramp for the above setup?

And some questions with delay processor.

I have no expirience in applying delay to the how audio signal, according to my expierience with compute DAW adding delay to a signal usually give a double layered sound. That was in a case of a living room environment.

However, in a bigger room with reverb, will the delay unit help keeping the reflected highs and mids "in sync" and give a unison sound which create an improved in clarity? Is that how people use it?

Do a smaller room only need very little delay? Like 30-50ms?
Bigger room need 80ms? Like that?

If the overall result is possitive, I will try to get one soon.

Hope I will be able to hear some reply from you guys.

any advice will be appreciated!

Thanks a lot

To use a crossover you would need another power amp. The speaker cab would have to have seperate inputs for the highs and lows.

Delays are only used on PA's when you have another set of speakers setup farther out in the room and they need to be delayed to match the signal of the mains setup closer to the stage.
none of that has anything to do with a reverberent room... if it's a place your playing and cant treat the room (safe assumption) try using one stack instead of two (assumption again) most small venues (and big ones to for that matter) really dont benifit from stereo...