Will a USB soundcard be sufficient for my needs?

Hot Rats

New member
I like to record using Cubase on my PC but only for my own enjoyment, none of my equipment is particularly special. I want to get a laptop, Cubase and an external midi/audio device. I know from reading these forums that Firewire is preferable to USB1, but I'm having trouble finding suitable laptops for firewire. I'm in the UK and the laptops with firewire I've found (and there aren't that many) seem to have 4 pin Firewire. According to the MAudio site, the Firewire Audiophile needs 6 pin.

As a result I'm thinking of just going with one of their USB devices. Firstly my budget isn't that huge anyway. But my setup is only for messing around really, just bedroom stuff. Nearly all my instruments will be midi, with a few audio guitar tracks.

I know people have reservations about USB, but do you think I'd probably get away with it?

I'd appreciate any comments.
Did you say you already have a PC or your buying one? If you do already have one, what spec is it? M Audio do some good Firewires, but depending on your budget these might be a little too much. For example, you can get the M Audio Audiophile for around £150 which sounds good enough for what your wanting to do.

Regarding Laptops, again, i dont know if your looking to purchase one, or already have one?
Thanks for replying.

I already have a PC with Cubase VST and an Audiophile, but it's not very practical for various reasons (young children, too much noise etc). So I'm getting a laptop. My only real decision is whether to go firewire or not. I suspect I might be ok with USB.