Why does that happen?


New member
Hello, people
Every time I'm using Sonar to do a project, my keyboard
starts acting up; When I hit a key it has sort of like a delay echo.
I have to keep restarting Sonar in order to fix the problem.

Why does that happen?
1. What interface are you using?

2. PC specs?

3. What are you triggering with the midi notes? If you are routing the midi data BACK to your keyboard from the computer, then there is a pretty good chance you are triggering the note TWICE. If you have the option, you need to turn the "local control" off on your keyboard. What happens is that you hit the key, which triggers the note like it's supposed to. But wait! then the midi data pertaining to that note shoots through your computer's circuitry which sends it right back to the keyboard: again triggering the same note, only a few milliseconds later (depending on the latency of your setup).

Of course, that's one possibility.

If you are triggering GM (general midi sounds: the ones included with windows) then it's probably a latency issue. Here's a test - if you are listening to the audio from your PC's soundcard, then it is the latency thing I just mentioned. If you are listening to the audio from your keyboard's outputs, then it is probably number 3 up there.

Let me know if that helps...

Thanks, trogdor
I use a regular midi interface in-out to my PC.
I've been using the same for two years, but that's just happening lately. Could it be Sonar? I notice that when that happens, I disconnect the midi interface and it sounds fine, but when I reconnect it, it comes back having to restart Sonar.
Thanks, trogdor
I use a regular midi interface in-out to my PC.
I've been using the same for two years, but that's just happening lately. Could it be Sonar? I notice that when that happens, I disconnect the midi interface and it sounds fine, but when I reconnect it, it comes back having to restart Sonar.
Thanks, trogdor
I use a regular midi interface in-out to my PC.
I've been using the same for two years, but that's just happening lately. Could it be Sonar? I notice that when that happens, I disconnect the midi interface and it sounds fine, but when I reconnect it, it comes back having to restart Sonar.
Thanks, trogdor
I use a regular midi interface in-out to my PC.
I've been using the same for two years, but that's just happening lately. Could it be Sonar? I notice that when that happens, I disconnect the midi interface and it sounds fine, but when I reconnect it, it comes back having to restart Sonar
Thanks, trogdor
I use a regular midi interface in-out to my PC.
I've been using the same for two years, but that's just happening lately. Could it be Sonar? I notice that when that happens, I disconnect the midi interface and it sounds fine, but when I reconnect it, it comes back having to restart Sonar
Options-Audio. You will see a tab for input monitoring. If something is highlighted. It is on. Try it with nothing highlighted.
Okay, but where are listening to the audio from?

i.e. what do you plug your speakers/headphones into? Your computer or keyboard?

and what kind of keyboard is it?
trogdor said:
Okay, but where are listening to the audio from?

i.e. what do you plug your speakers/headphones into? Your computer or keyboard?

and what kind of keyboard is it?

Good points:cool:

If He uses headphone connected to the Keyboard, it obviously has nothing to do with SONAR.

I had this problem before. To me, it really sounds like the input monitor thingee. SONAR has a bug: for some reason it will turn in input monitoring if you make some changes, at least it did on me.

I got the same thing happening: it sounded like I was using a digital delay. Fortunately, Dachay in the Cakewalk forum solved it right away, but my cellist came over that day to record, and it ruined the session.

Keep us informed, I wanna hear the end of this.
I have an Alesis QS6.2
connected to the soundcard (L & R)
And my headphones and speakers are connected to the soundcard as well.
You ARE hearing the Alesis' sounds thru the speakers right? and not the general midi sounds? i.e. if you change the patch on your keyboard the sound changes to that sound as well?

Look through your Alesis' manual to find out how to turn "Local Control OFF". I think that may help