Why do you think those weekend bands never make it?

Why don't they become famous?

  • Their music doesn't appeal to a niche or group

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • They don't promote themselves/try to get attention

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • They are too old and unattractive

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Their name blows

    Votes: 2 16.7%

  • Total voters

Jeremy Clarkson

New member
Those weekend bands that you sometimes see playing at bars/food places or local fests include some decent musicians but that you can tell will never become well known.
Sorry, but I am not getting your point. I guess what I think of them is, if they are having fun and making a little money, and their audience is having fun and not minding spending their money, and the promoter isn't getting fat off the lot of them, it's all okay by me.
Define "make it". No one "makes it" anymore by getting out there and hustling. It has nothing to do with playing, touring, songwriting, image, band name, or anything else. The only thing that matters now is pure, dumb, luck. That's it. One in a few hundred thousand bands gets lucky.
It's also because there are so many people who are somewhat talented and they all have dreams of making it. No one really cares these days because there are obviously way bigger problems in the world right now. As more and more people awake form the slumber they have been lulled into by mainstream media and our mommy/daddy world governments you will see people caring less about the all garbage music being pushed on them.
It is true that it is more or less blind luck as far as "making it to the bigtime".
There are also countless reasons why a band can fail other than just not having the stars align for them.

"Decent" isn't good enough when it comes to music. As a band you have to be good enough to compete with the best musicians in history, not just OK.
Also another factor is the makeup of the band. Where are I live (Brooklyn) there are quite a few bands, but they all fall into 2 categories.
1.The "1 main dude" band, where one guy does everything and has a couple backup beta guys who play bass or drums. The purpose of this band isn't to make good music, its just to support the ego of the main dude.
2. The second type is the "Chick lead singer" band. These bands have a moderately attractive chick lead singer backed by all dudes, who are only in it because they think it will improve their chances of sleeping with her.
The very nature of these types of bands prevent them from ever being good enough that anyone would pay to listen to them. They might be tolerable, but never great.

A band that would be great musically would be a group of very talented and skilled musicians, each who've spent years dedicated to practicing their chosen instrument, all working creatively together, with each adding their own contribution.
There's also simply way too many bands now. Way too many. Way, way too many. Every dumbfuck with a cheap Squire and a Crate amp starts a shitty band now.

I saw this all colored-guy metal band one time not too long ago. Globally, it's not that rare, but in Texas it is. These were like straight outta the ghetto gangsta looking thugged out coloreds, but they were playing really heavy drop-tuned power-slop metal. It was really bad and they sounded terrible, but i couldn't look away. It was hilarious.
I saw this all colored-guy metal band one time not too long ago. Globally, it's not that rare, but in Texas it is. These were like straight outta the ghetto gangsta looking thugged out coloreds, but they were playing really heavy drop-tuned power-slop metal. It was really bad and they sounded terrible, but i couldn't look away. It was hilarious.

theyve got more chance of making it that some super tight white metal band from texas I bet
...but i couldn't look away.

Besides pure, dumb luck...that's the other "ingredient" these days to "making it".

Take someone like Gaga...if she dropped the freak show and just sang....would anyone care?
It's not about talent, it's about having a *promotable" image....and that's juts about anything that the sheep will follow. All of the really young audiences are mostly told what is "hip/cool", and that's where image sells the most.

I mean....if you can hype people like Beiber, Kim K, Gaga and a slew of other talentless "stars" to the top...is talent really important any more?
What do people like Kim K. really do anyway that is considered a "talent"? (Why is she even in the media???)

AFA bar bands...I don't think more than 10% have any notion of "making it". They are just doing Fri/Sat gigs for a few extra bucks and a couple of hours of "fame".
And don't forget that most local bands are perfectly happy just gigging in their own little shit scene. A lot of people have jobs and families and playing music is just a fun hobby.
Besides pure, dumb luck...that's the other "ingredient" these days to "making it".

Take someone like Gaga...if she dropped the freak show and just sang....would anyone care?
It's not about talent, it's about having a *promotable" image....and that's juts about anything that the sheep will follow. All of the really young audiences are mostly told what is "hip/cool", and that's where image sells the most.

I mean....if you can hype people like Beiber, Kim K, Gaga and a slew of other talentless "stars" to the top...is talent really important any more?
What do people like Kim K. really do anyway that is considered a "talent"? (Why is she even in the media???)

AFA bar bands...I don't think more than 10% have any notion of "making it". They are just doing Fri/Sat gigs for a few extra bucks and a couple of hours of "fame".

why do people keep bringing up gaga?

she was around for years before she made it, she did burlesque thats why her image is like it is, and she wrote songs for loads of performers before being picked up by a major...I can see why some pop acts are manufactured shiyt, and i dont particularly like her...but shes got more talent than 90% of those making it out there
why do people keep bringing up gaga?

she was around for years before she made it, she did burlesque thats why her image is like it is, and she wrote songs for loads of performers before being picked up by a major...I can see why some pop acts are manufactured shiyt, and i dont particularly like her...but shes got more talent than 90% of those making it out there

I agree. Gaga may be the only legit pop princess out there. Her shit sucks though.
Define "make it". No one "makes it" anymore by getting out there and hustling. It has nothing to do with playing, touring, songwriting, image, band name, or anything else. The only thing that matters now is pure, dumb, luck. That's it. One in a few hundred thousand bands gets lucky.
^^^^^^ this ^^^^^^

I saw The Cars on Colbert the other night.

When Stephen introduced them he said they had just released their first new album in 24 years and then he said, "Shhhh ..... no one tell them there's no music industry anymore"
