Why do I need to use "Real Time Export" when exporting audio I've recorded myself?


New member
Why do I need to use "Real Time Export" when exporting audio I've recorded myself?

If I don't check the "Real Time Export" box in the Export Dialog when I am exporting an audio mixdown, any tracks that I recorded myself in CuBase do not appear in the exported audio file. All other audio appears in the exported file like it should.

Why do I need to use "Real Time Export" when exporting audio that I've recorded myself into CuBase?

Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
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I'm only familiar with Nuendo, but I know in the export dialog, you have the choice of what will be exported. Therefore, if you have everything routed to the stereo track output, then you set the export settings to stereo out. If things are routed differently, you can reroute them to the stereo. Or, realtime will work for all the tracks.

I'm not sure if that makes sense, it's 3:30 am. I'll check back later and correct anything meaningless.