Why can't you master in a home studio?

He already on his way. Surprised someone hasn't done it already. I just don't know his whole story, as I avoid the cave like the plague.

I think it's always good to have a couple friends or co-workers take a look at it but you don't necessarily have to have people at a studio master it. My brother and I occassional pass masters back and forth from our studios and get fresh ears/speakers to listen. As a matter of a fact, I often will not let him hear what I am working on until it is completely finished for this sole purpose. He works for a studio in nashville and I have access to the mixing booths at the radio station I'm at right now, but we both feel fairly comfortable mastering in our homes. In all honesty, I do think that having either A. A car with a really good stereo system, or B. A set of studio-quality monitors is a must.
I always hear people talking about how you need to master in a real studio and this and that. Why? What is so important about mastering? For example to quote an article from AudioFanZine

Isn't mastering kind of just getting it loud and stuff? Are they just saying that because they're engineers and they kind of overestimate the role of mastering? Or is there something about mastering that makes stuff better?

Well with that same logic, DJ Khaled can't master his tracks because he has a home studio. Home studio's can be 100$-50k$, so it all depends on the audio engineer working on your music and there ability with mastering tracks.