who's filled out a paper on congiment?

Not Exactly Sure What You Mean, Explain Further . . . Seems To Me U Put The Amount Ur Dropping Off, And When U Will Return To Pick Up A Check And Remaining Cds . . . But Like I Said I Know Not What You Refere To At This Point. . . .
I know exactly what he's talking about. He's talking about consignment deals.

Basically, for those who don't know, a consignment deal works like this. You talk to a store, it could be a worker or the manager of that store (Sam Goody and I think Fye do this all the time). They give you a form that you fill out which indicates how much of your product you will leave for placement inside of their store. This is a contract that states if it sells, they keep money from what you sold to pay for stocking your CD, usually in plain view, not just stuffed in the shelves where no one would look for you.

Usually they keep a small portion off each CD that you sell. For instance, say you sell your CD for $10 on the street, tell them you want to make $10.00 off every one that sells in their store. They mark up the price so that it can happen that way and everyone's happy. You're paying for the ability for people to go buy your product at the stores along with other mainstream artists without necessarily having to catch you when you're hustling at the next club or out the trunk. It also can make your product appear to be more professional, especially if the artwork is good and the music is better.

It's always a good thing in my book as long as you use it to your advantage. Drop their name as a place to get your work and it makes you seem more established...likewise, if they're getting business from people you're advertising to, they're likely to help you push your product so that you can bring them more. A revolving door if you let it and that's all good.

oh most definitely, that part is, at least for me, understood - but he is asking what should he put . . . i thought it was up to you - put what you want to put regarding price and pick up/check in times . . .
Yeah, you tell them what you want the manufacturer's price to be per unit. Pick up times can also be easily negotiated.