Whoever Said Punk-rockers can't solo...


New member
...is probably right. :(

Anyway, here is an insanely short song in which I fully expose the epic shredding guitar powers I was bestowed directly from the hand of the magnificent Chuck Norris.

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Click Here

I recorded guitar and bass with a POD 2.0 and the drums were done with DKFH 2 within Fruity Loops.

How bad does it sound?

I think you misread/misheard. It was Punk-rockers SHOULDN'T solo!
I remember '76, 77, 78. I was old enough to buy the records.
Not many punk soloed because it was seen as buying into the dinosaur bag.
Mind you Steve Jones did a couple. Mick Jones wasn't punk he was rock & he wanted to be a star that's why he soloed all over the Clash records.
Mind you sax solos were accepted.
You brief piece ie interesting in that it has that Black sabbath played at 45rpm riffing that the Pistols sounded like. It also has trad modern metal guitar tones that don't match the genre unless you're into post 88 punk - using the term shred gives you away.
Good playing & recording.
Yeah that's pretty good. Punk rockers can solo, well sometimes... I always dug the bad religion/pennywise solos thrown in there. I guess if they're too good at soloing though they are no longer punk rockers, but that's not the point. The point is this recording was pretty rocking and I'd like to hear more,good stuff man ;)