Whoa... WTF??

I would think it's "possible"...but the risk to buy the device is still on the buyer.

But hey...if it works...you can change channels WHILE you control your reel-to-reel! :D
Absolutely, and it falls in the, "Why didn't I think of that?" category now that I see it. However, I prefer the wired remotes for the TSR-8 and BR-20 by far. Standard TV type wireless remotes hurt my brain because they're too fiddly and small for the fingers and too many buttons.


But hey...if it works...you can change channels WHILE you control your reel-to-reel! :D

By sheer coincidence I happened across one for the Studer A810 yesterday. I was half-tempted if it would also work with an A807, as I could do with a remote for mine. But it's not cheap and a wired remote panel would be more useful to me.
Their was a guy I talked to in the states about a year or so ago that was making the same basic set up and I asked if he could make 1 for my 38. He said he needed the wiring schematic and (I think it was about $80.00 or so.)
Getting rid of one wire in a room full of wires hardly seems worth the bother and expense. Besides, wired remotes never need batteries or aiming.

If they could come up with a completely wireless studio that didn't kill us with all the radiation, they might be onto something then.

Cheers! :)