Who runs this section?


New member
This section seems not as live as others but I specialise in this genre.

I DJ, make beats, record and mix, throw club events, all hip hop and r n b

How do I go about being a Mod on this section
ya know... this section used to be pretty lively. It has slowed down a bit recently. Not sure why.
In a hilariously ironic twist of fate, hip-hop was murdered last night in a random drive-by shooting.
this just in . . hip hop has just been re-capacitated. in a strange twist of fate, the vampire Le Stat infused hip hop with some of his "infinite" juice. n now WE are back. but due to the cosmic rules that go with being a re-animated being, hip hop will see more activity when the sun is not SHINING AT ITS BRIGHTEST in this hemisphere!
be sure to funnell any significant messages about hip hop collabos and REAL TIME real life networking opportunities to GULLY JEWELZ @ LNLMEDIA@GMAIL.COM