Who really cares about "Strats"


I just figured I should give praise to the Tele so there is an overwhelming PRO Tele attitude here before someone comes in and mentions the "S" word.
Do strat copies count?

I never use the center pickup, might as well be a Tele.

Dem's is fightin' words!

The Tele is to the Strat what Robbie is to Raymond:

The not-so-popular older brother that's a little slower, a little clunkier, and gets no respect whatsoever.


p.s. Danny Gatton sure made his sound cool though!:D
Them's fightin' words where I come from (it's a good thing we ain't where I come from:eek: ).
I'd give you such a shot.
That reminds me. I want a Tele almost for the same reason I got a Les Paul. Just to see what it's all about and to have for variety.

I love my LP and my 70's Strat, but my faves are my wide flat fredboard ESP, Ibanez, and HM Strat. Yeah, I play sweeps, can ya tell?
Never understood the whole strat thing. I don't think fender or gibson make them like they used to unless you want to dump a butt load of money and for me it's hard to pass on an old less paul or a nice sg-62, But as for me I'll keep my prs. It's the only guitar I've ever had that I could get anything from cruchy metal to thin strat blues sound.

that being said, I did play a strat that was supposed to be around a $4000.00 guitar. It had the hip shot wammy and was in general a very nice guitar. I'd love to have it but not for 4K.

