who comments on my user cp?


New member
Call me an asshole? Who the hell are you? speek up and show yourself! I understand if you think that me getting a good deal on a mic from a kid on the street might suggest I'm some sort of deal seeker, but calling me an asshole...humm....looks like sombodys a pretty poor sport.

Why don't you go ahead and change your comment on my cp, and we can forget your little outbust of name calling. I addmit to being a rookie and I don't do audio recording full time, but I have been paid for my work with a number of local bands. So piss off unless you have something constructive to say.

Don't take the chicklets too seriously, Bro. Red or green, they're just colors. Trolls run around and leave anonymous hits like so many squirrel droppings as if it mattered. It doesn't. So consider an anonymous hit as kind of a badge of honor.

By the way - you're not old enough to remember Arthur Overholtzer, are you? He lived in Chico as well. He was one of the first luthiers to make the knowledge of the art available to everyone he could find. He built beautiful classical guitars and taught at the university there. He invented the heavy aluminum side bending form which is no longer in production, but which works very well. He was also a pioneer in the theory of building an acoustic guitar without stress - any stress, which is hard to do. He was a quirky but amazing and very, very smart man. An old school kind of guy.

Art Overholtzer is a name and a story that is really worth researching, right there in Chico.
the Chico guy sounds pretty intesting, I'll check him out later. Thanks for the positive feedback...LOL...like it matters sooo much! jk. oh well. hope you guys don't take me too serious. I'm just a guitar player who has an mbox and some mics.