Which Version


New member
I'm looking at getting into Computer recording and I have narrowed my decision down too two different options to get me started. I would appreciate any input as the pros or cons of either system. They are both fairly similar in price for me so basically I am looking at features, usability and qualitiy.

Option 1:

Tascam Us-122 USB interface. Comes with Cubase LE and Gigastudio 3 LE.

Option 2:

M-Audio Mobile Pre USB With Ableton Live 4 LE and purchasing Cubase SE seperately.

I am going with the USB interface because I will be running everything with a laptop as well as a desktop. I spoke with a friend who does alot of recording also and he reccomended the Tascam because it is a better piece of hardware and I can always upgrade the software at a later date. Any help on this would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.
SE and LE are almost identical, from what I understand. I use SE. I think the main difference between the two is the number of effects that you can use simultaneously. SE allows a few more insert and send effects than LE. Other than that, I think they are the same.
There are a few other minor differences between LE and SE (number of simulatneous VSTi's you can use, LE has a limit on MIDI tracks SE doesn't etc.) but I think the difference in the number of insert and sends available is definitely the main one. LE only has 4 physical ins/outs (SE has 8) so this could also be an issue for some.

A chart comparing all 4 versions is available here .