Which uni course is best for audio engineering?


New member
I've decided to pursue a career in audio engineering, and would like to eventually work in recording studios, television companys or similar.

Has anyone on this board been to uni to study in this area? I've been working in I.T. for two years since I left college, so I have no knowledge of good universites or even what course to look for.

Has anyone got some examples of good universities or courses? I live in Guernsey in the UK, btw.

Thanks - any advice is much appreciated
Oh thanx god, I'm sooooooo glad to write this:

never, NEVER think about an audio "school" called MUSITECHNIC. Your lucky, it's really far from you, it's in Montreal hehe.

Wanna know why? This damn school convinced me that they were the best, that they will find me a job in a huge studio, etc,etc,etc.

Wanna know how much it cost me? About 24,000$ CAD. Isn it cool? I still have pay 400$/month for about 5 years.

How much I would have paid for this? I wouldnt have any regrets if it has cost me 2000$. NOT 15 000$ + 3000$ + 4000$.

DAMN!!! I hate these stupid f$*ing f"%*ers. And, yes, everybody who get out of there hate them.

When you get in, you appreciate it for...lets say the 1st month. then, you start to see it sucks, BUT, your damn first 5 000 or 8 000$ are already paid, so, you stay there.

DAMN! I've done this in 1996...I'll regret it all my life. I end up with excellent results!

fuck them damn it! FU*K THEM!!!!!


this school still exist, they are still screwing every students, and they are even a few grand more expensive!
anyone ever hear anything good or bad from Audio Institute of America? If i remember correctly, they're out of the S.F. area in Cali.
I'm doing a Certifcate 4 which is a diploma in the USA at SAE. I'm doing it in here in Brisbane Australia.

I don't know what the SAE schools are like in the USA but the one I'm at is very friendly and informative.

By the way I'm only 16 evn tough you are supposed to be 18 to do the course. It's costing about $8500AUD

Tukkis, I heard that the music courses in Australia are real good. What do you think? I was planning on doing a music course in Brisbane after my Physics degree.

As for the UK, the best course you can enroll in is a course run by Winchester University called the TONMEISTER course. It is run in conjunction with a German counterpart in Stuttgart or something. This is what I have heard, so may not be entirely accurate. If you go to www.ucas.co.uk which is the british University entry website it will give a whole selection of courses to choose from.

I have said this before, but if you look on the Abbey Road website you will find all their engineers have Physics degrees. So I have enrolled on a Physics course rather than a music tech one......

Good luck! I myself am off to University in 25 days!

not cheap ... but very good, and guaranteed job placement as well as long-term support after graduation. Appears to deliver perhaps the only graduates who can actually DO the job (as opposed to most such facilities, whom deliver graduates who THINK they can do the job)
Find out what the average school costs then call up the best studio in town and offer them that much to work there for a year or two. You will have real experience for your resume and if you're any good they will keep you on.

I personally think school is a waste of time for audio/video unless you are learning physics and electrical engineering.

What a great idea. I approve. Totally. Or find someone with a home studio who will let you assit, for a few box if necessary to learn a bit before getting in a bigger one.

Dunno if all this is possible, but, try it! I should have read this post 7 years ago!

In fact, I learn WAY more USEFULL info in the first hour, when I did my first band recording, on a mackie 24-4 and Fostex D-80.
Berklee is good. Do a search under my name with Berklee as your keyword. I think I have talked about it before on this board, and I don't really want to go into it right now.


"Cowards can never be moral."
M.K. Gandhi
sae a fullsail are just about the best but they're costly too.. fullsail is up to $33,000, but its not a certificate/diploma like sae which is $15,000.. fullsail is a degree...
fullsail is in winter park,FL(not to far from orlando)
saE(Miami,New york, nashville