Which software is good for recording and audio editing?


New member
Hi everyone,

I like to produce instrumentals using maschine mikro. I would like to begin learning how to record and edit vocals correctly, but I don't know what software is best. When I finalize my instrumentals (such as adding fade ins & outs etc.) I usually import my songs onto audacity and edit it from there. Is audactiy good for vocal recording as well? (For example, I would like to import my instrumentals onto audacity and record vocals over it.)
You should be able to do everything you need with Cubase LE. I know I did. I had a much older version and I made a whole album with it. Don't know if the 2 plug-in limit is still in there, but it really made me work to use what I had. Think it made me a better mixer from it.
I have cubase le5, is that good enough?

Yes, that will be fine. But how did you get LE5? If it came with some hardware you can usually upgrade quite cheaply to a newer version, LE7 now.
This is a good idea since "Cubases" tend not to last past many Windows OS changes and you would do well to future proof if you don't have W8 yet.

If you do go for LE7 buy a dongle as well. I did for LE6 and so I can use it on my W7/64 desktop and this i3 HP lappy.

Yea I got cubase with my usb audio interface. And by the way for all the cubase experts, Im having a lil trouble on how to use cubase properly. Last night I tried to see if i can use it for vocal recordings over one of my instrumentals i made from maschine. But everytime I imported my songs onto there I stumbled onto 2 problems. 1st I used the "mastering" template but when i imported my song there was no sound when i press play.

So I tried to use a new template with nothing in it. But when i imported my songs (it's in wav file) the speed of the song automatically changes to either really fast or slow. Im aware that changing the tempo doesn't work because it still sounds like alvin and the chipmunks lol.

What am I doing wrong?
Yea I got cubase with my usb audio interface. And by the way for all the cubase experts, Im having a lil trouble on how to use cubase properly. Last night I tried to see if i can use it for vocal recordings over one of my instrumentals i made from maschine. But everytime I imported my songs onto there I stumbled onto 2 problems. 1st I used the "mastering" template but when i imported my song there was no sound when i press play.

So I tried to use a new template with nothing in it. But when i imported my songs (it's in wav file) the speed of the song automatically changes to either really fast or slow. Im aware that changing the tempo doesn't work because it still sounds like alvin and the chipmunks lol.

What am I doing wrong?

Try sing slower and in a deeper voice. :D
the mic is not the problem, i said its the instrumentals i try to import. Eveytime i import a instrumental the speed automatically changes, is there anything i can do in cubase to change the speed?
I would say that the sample rate is wandering. This could be due to several things..
Is the internal soundcard disabled? If not do that.
Are computer sounds, bleeps and bloops stopped? Again stop them.

It is usually possible in AIs/soundcards to lock the sample rate (my 2496 cards are so locked to 44.1kHz).
