which software for my problem?


New member
i am currently using sonar xl and a shitty sound card.

my friend uses an edirol usb audio converter ediro ua-5, but he uses cubase vst to record.

im use to sonar and i dont want to switch (the learning curve all over again), but i plan on using his usb (edirol ua-5).
converter(24bit/96khz). im doing this for the main reason, its free, and my computer doesnt support updating a sound card too well(its an hp, soundcard,videocard all in one sort of thing.)

how well do these work together? i.e. sonar, and a usb device.

how about soundforge and a usb device?

do any of you use usb, like the quattro by midiman?

which software would you recomend for usb?

give me some ins and outs, dos and donts with your software experiences.

if your friend is getting this device to work with cubase than it will probably work with cakewalk. Plug it in and see.
As far as i can tell there are not many people using usb as an audio/digital converter and i suppose it's because the usb connection is considerably slower. I don't even use it for midi.
regarding your sound card it may be possible to disengage your hp all in one card and use another card. I had to do that on my first daw.
Most PCs allow you to disable onboard sound via BIOS or jumpers on the mainboard. However, there is nothing wrong with USB for certain tasks...The major drawback to USB is bandwith..This should get better as USB 2.0 devices appear on the market...There is also Firewire..But if you have a free PCI slot, go with a PCI card..They are cheap and will give you superior performance.
thanks, im looking into sound cards, and changed my mind about usb, however, usb 2.0 sounds good, and i hear its cheap, im not sure about upgrading an old computer though. peace. thanks for the advice.
Of course if you want to use USB 2.0 or Firewire , your mainboard has to support it...USB 2.0 is just starting to appear on PCs...And there aren't any USB 2.0 sound interfaces I know of....How old is your computer?