Which should I choose - E-MU 0404 or X-Fi Fatal1ty?


New member
Could get either of these cards for about $60 - should I go with the E-MU 0404 because it's a more "solid no frills" card, or try out the X-Fi Fatal1ty (the high end one with good DACs and the Xram, front panel break-out box, etc.)

I'm curious because looks like the DACs are both good - very similar, and the E-MU card seems like it does a lot more effects in hardware; however, the X-Fi chip seems like a pretty powerful processor...more powerful than the E-MU card has, but maybe they don't use it to its full potential? I don't know enough about it, maybe someone else here can point me to a link...

Mostly looking to use the MIDI interface on whichever card I get . . . I do a little gaming from time to time but not too much. Also might want to get into a little recording again in the future, but mostly just MIDI for the next while.

Thanks for any thoughts,
I wouldnt touch ANYTHING made by creative with a 10ft pole... including the emu stuff. I swore them off looong ago.

Plenty of good offerings for recording from MAudio, Presonus, Echo, RME, MOTU etc...
Hmmm...ok, I may have to re-think this move, then. Pretty much just need to get a MIDI interface sometime soon...wasn't too concerned about the sound card all that much at this point. But maybe I should be. :-) I was just looking at those two cards because they had them for a good discount as refurbs.

At some point I was thinking about getting a laptop and dedicate it to music recording - but then I figure you can probaby always get more power cheaper in a desktop, plus internal addons (cards, etc) are probably cheaper than external ones, right?

One other thing - I had always thought the E-MU stuff was regarded as generally decent, even though many swear off the general Creative Sound Blaster stuff...maybe I was wrong on that score?

I dont use midi for anything I do... But I've had nothing but bad experience with Creative hardware and drivers. To me, Emu is Creative, so I wont buy it. Thats just me ;).

Maybe someone from around here that actually uses midi will chime in, but for what its worth, if I was looking to get started i'd be looking at something like this

I've been using other MAudio products for like 8 years now without a single problem.

just my 2c
Alright, thanks for the link. I'll have to check around and do some more reading up on these...
I do appreciate your time,