Which Should I Buy?


New member
i was thinkin of getting either the m-audio audiophile 192, but then I came across the E-MU 1212M. both look like excellent cards with 24/192 rates. I was leaning towards the E-MU 1212M because of the hardware accellerated effects. what should I buy?
The audiophile is a good unit but 1212 has more potential inputs, plus the dsp effects.

As an aside, who the hell records at 192KHz? Has anyone in the history of the universe actually ever done this and why would you want to?
lol, i never heard of anyone recording at 192KHz, but who knows! thanks for your help guys, reppin you both. btw, whats the quality difference between 16bit and 24 bit? is it anything like going from 8 bit to 16 bit? sorry, im a newbie... :p
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Krazy8 said:
lol, i never heard of anyone recording at 192KHz, but who knows! thanks for your help guys, reppin you both. btw, whats the quality difference between 16bit and 24 bit? is it anything like going from 8 bit to 16 bit? sorry, im a newbie... :p

Big difference between 16 & 24 bit. 24bit gives you greater dynamic range. You have more headroom and you can get a better signal to noise ratio. However you still need to dither back down to 16 to put on a CD