Which room should I move to for mixing?


New member

I have the option of moving into one of three rooms in my house right now. It would be my bedroom, but I would like to use it for mixing as well. I don't need to keep sound in or out, and I just want to mix some stuff I've already recorded.

I have done quite a few searches here, and looked at the SAE site among others, but I feel like I still need to ask this question. I simply would like to know which room should work best. I figured I would ask about sound treatments after I chose a room.

Standard drywall construction, all rooms have 8ft ceilings and carpet.

9ft 8in X 13ft 6in
There is an open doorway at the rear of the room that is 4ft 8in wide, and is located about 2 inches offcenter. It leads into a basically open room that is 13ft deep X 11ft 6in wide. There is a set of double windows that are 5ft 8in wide and 4ft 4in tall located at the far left of the front wall.

room #2
13ft 6in X 12ft 2in
Extending beyond the 12ft dimension are 2 closets 3ft deep with about 2ft between them. They are located about 1in off center. Along the left wall (using the 12ft2in dimension as the side walls) are a set of double windows 5ft 8in wide and 4ft 4in tall located 82in from the center to the front wall.

room #3
13ft 6in X 13ft 6in
There is a set of double windows in the center of the front wall with the same dimensions as above. A closet juts out into the room 2ft 3in and extends to the front of the room 5ft 4in. There is another window 2ft 6in wide located 80in from the front of the room to the center of the window.

I figure room #3 is bad because it is square but I thought I'd put it up anyway. I'm sorry I don't have any pictures, but I don't have the ability to do that right now. If I need to put some up I'll do my best to get them up. I tried to be thorough with my descriptions.


> room#1
> 9ft 8in X 13ft 6in

That one gives you the best mode spacing, thoguh it's not ideal. And the open doorway at the rear of the room can serve as a sort of bass trap if you leave the door open. But you'll need real acoustic treatment too if you expect the room to be good enough to make mixing decisions.


Thanks for your input Ethan. I knew none of the rooms would be ideal, but it is the best I can do. I recorded some stuff with my band over a year ago, and didn't have time to mix it. I'm not in the ideal situation to be working on them now, but I can't wait anymore, I need to scratch the itch. I'm in a situation where I have to make do with what I have, so those were my best choices.

This was the room I was thinking about also. It is the best placed room probably for me to do this as to not drive my roomates nuts also.
