Which power amp to drive Auratone's???

ok, I get this...but if the mix sounds bad on the Auratones are you going to start adjusting things? IN other words, for example..

so if your mix sounds bad in the Auratones, are you going to start adjusting the EQ and pans and other factors in your mix to satisfy the Auratones?

But to make a smaller speaker, say a 5" driver sound better, you can remove the bass...and it will sound better....but if you then take the "bass light" mix to a sub woofer system or a good car system it would then be bass light?

I thought the reason the Auratones and small studio monitor worked in the 60's and 70's was because the average Joe at home had similar type speakers he would be playing their music through... I think Gold Studios article even mentioned they'd cut a disc so fast and have a friend play it over the radio to make mix changes before release...and it was a car mono speaker in a metal dashboard kind of playback system.

same with the NS10's....

isn't that the concept of "crap mix monitors" to simulate the average home hifi?

which would today be a surround or Ipod...or maybe even little PC speakers? Ipod's MP3....it gets confusing.

Although, mixing in mono can create masking to check the mix....

I don't know, I'd be more confident about all this except my mixes suck 90% of the time.....so I'm actually wondering where this concept of Auratones goes..!!:p
I think once you have acquired some more mixing skills and start working on some quality mixes, you will appreciate what some of these "industry standard" speakers can help you with.

When I mix, I love to have different perspectives. I will walk about the room and sometimes go out of the room with the door open and listen to the mix as well as reference mixes.

Getting too hung up on one set of reference speakers, and only having a "good" sounding sets of speakers really limits my perspective. Auratones and NS-10's offer GREAT contrast to my Event 20/20 passives.
I bought a pair new back in the 70's and still have them. I can without hesitation say they have almost the same balance (low bass withstanding of course) as my other dinosaur JBL 4311 and some Urei I had too. If the bass/kick is off in the auratones, it's off, trust me. Don't use a crap amp either. Match it with some other dinosaur like a Crown D75 if you want something decent.

As posted earlier, they were FIRST aimed at the mono TV market as a check, but like anything else, were grabbed up for something else that worked great too....like mix checking. After mixing for a looooong time, going to some Auratones can be a pleasant change.
so if your mix sounds bad in the Auratones, are you going to start adjusting the EQ and pans and other factors in your mix to satisfy the Auratones?

possibly. of course, like i said, i don't have any auratones, or variety thereof yet...but what i do now is burn my mix to cd, then listen to it through my phones, car stereo, home stereo, and then in my dvd player - which i play through the crappy speakers in my tv.

if the mix passes all those, it's done. if it sounds especially crappy on any one of them, i'm probably going to go tweak it a little more. if it sounds especially crappy on MORE than one, i'm definitely going to be revising the mix. it would just be nice to have some not-so-great drivers right in front of my face, so that i could get a reference without doing all the running around. clients appreciate it as well, especially if they're being charged on a time basis...nobody wants to pay for an extra hour in the studio so that the engineer can rock a couple songs out in his car, then come back and say "nope, sorry, not there yet!"
possibly. of course, like i said, i don't have any auratones, or variety thereof yet...but what i do now is burn my mix to cd, then listen to it through my phones, car stereo, home stereo, and then in my dvd player - which i play through the crappy speakers in my tv.

if the mix passes all those, it's done. if it sounds especially crappy on any one of them, i'm probably going to go tweak it a little more. if it sounds especially crappy on MORE than one, i'm definitely going to be revising the mix. it would just be nice to have some not-so-great drivers right in front of my face, so that i could get a reference without doing all the running around. clients appreciate it as well, especially if they're being charged on a time basis...nobody wants to pay for an extra hour in the studio so that the engineer can rock a couple songs out in his car, then come back and say "nope, sorry, not there yet!"

I understand this but how "good" is your TV speaker ever going to sound?

Seems a person could go insane trying to make every system sound good, because their different drivers, which sound different, which makes the mix sound different each time....which means you have to re-adjust...caught in a loop?

I'm listening to my radio 2" plastic radio now...it sounds like hell, but I can hear the voice and guitars...sometimes a high bass note. Thats pro stuff playing thru there and it sounds like ass...
my tv speaker will never sound good

that being said, i can clearly hear everything when listening to a commercially released album, or watching tv, or whatever

if i play a mix of mine through it and the bass is super-woofy, or the kick disappears, or whatever, it tells me that something in the mix isn't going to translate, and it's back to the drawing board